Proposals & Updates for Time on Optical/IR Telescopes
Time on all Optical/IR UAO telescopes is allocated in two semesters: February-July (A) and August-January (B). Proposal deadlines are now October 1 and April 1, or a nearby date (April 1, 2024 for 2024B) if the time falls on a weekend: See the call for proposals email. Late proposals will not be considered.
GTO proposals are due April 22, 2024.
All proposers (general and GTO partners) should submit electronically the completed latex form and the processed pdf version to a site to be announced later. Passwords will have been provided in the respective Call for Proposals from the TAC Chair. Unless you receive special permission from the TAC Chair, the proposals must be submitted by the deadline.
Make sure to download the current proposal template file soprop.tex and class file soprop.cls, which are required to produce the pdf file that is uploaded by the electronic submission form. Your proposal will not be processed by the automated account if you use an outdated version of the template files. They are attached (unchanged, actually) to the cal lfor proposals.
The new submission site is
March 26, 2024: The engineering run, scheduled for July 2024, for LLAMAS, has been delayed a semester. It is likely that normal proposals should wait until 2025A.
Winered is available, but one needs to talk to the PI. The PI has a contact email of
We update these notes whenever we're given new news. It's always safest to contact the PI of an instrument or someone at the observatory in question.
Binospec IFU: From Grant Williams: "After successful commissioning in December 2023, the Binospec IFU will be available for general use in the 2024B semester. The calibrations and reduction pipeline are still under development by SAO. For additional information see the Binospec IFU webpage.(Feb 29, 2024)
MAPS: MMT AO using the MAPS instrument (PI Katie Morzinski) will not be offered for community science this semester, 2024B. (March 4, 2024). Older Info: Here is updated information on the instrument: "The adaptive optics system (f/15 secondary) on the MMT is under significant renovation. Improvements to the system include an updated ASM, new pyramid WFSs, and upgrades to the ARIES and MMT-POL instruments (Katie Morzinski, Craig Kulesa). A separate program to upgrade MIRAC-5 (Jarron Leisenring) using MMTAO has also begun. Engineering and commissioning of MMTAO/MAPS has begun, but we are unable to offer community AO science for the upcoming semester." (Sept 2023)
Vatt: VATT is back to a normal semester in 2024B after the shortened 2024A semester. (MArch 4, 2024)
LBT: Proposers need to also submit Phase I Tool (PIT) form by noon on April 3 as well. The PIT form is available at
MMTCam: MMTCam should only be used for ToO imaging projects, and projects that require shallow u band imaging. Note that there is no guiding with MMTCam. Non-ToO imaging projects, particularly those needing deep exposures, should use Binospec, where guiding is possible and the noise is much lower. ToO projects can of course use Binospec, and indeed current ToO projects have time assigned on both instruments.
MMT Red Channel: Red Channel is NOT available because of serious CCD issues. Contact Joannah Hinz for details. (Sept 8, 2021).
MagAO : superceded by MagAO-X.
MagAO-X: As of March 14 2024, the plan is to have a MagAO-X run in 2024B. Please talk to Jared Males ( before applying.
Michigan/Magellan IFUM- Mario Mateo is the PI of a set of three IFU systems for Magellan/Clay. Contact him ( for more information and to propose. Here is some information: Three fiber-fed IFUs: Low Surface Brightness (LSB) at 1.90 arcsec/spaxel and 18x20 spaxels, Standard-seeing (STD at 1.09 pixels per spaxel with 23x24 spaxels, High Resolution (HR) with 0.54 arcssec per spaxel and 27x32 spaxels. Resolutions range from 1000 to 38000. All three modes support three different resolutions; IFUs user-deployable but only one can be used at a time; Optical Layout: Hexagonal lenslet array defines field. Barlow lenses modify field scale to make lenslets, fiber mounts more manageable; Occultors (focal plane masks) available to block bright sources in field; User-selected slit mechanism to choose spectral resolution (at cost of light loss); IFU-M fibers feed MSpec (the spectrograph for M2FS) and can use all MSpec features (order isolation, spectral resolutions, CCD configs, etc.); contact Mario or the TAC Chairman for a table of IFU parameters and other information.
The Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO) at regular intervals solicits proposals for the 10-meter Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) located on Mount Graham, Arizona, and the new ALMA Prototype 12-meter Telescope (12m) located on Kitt Peak, Arizona. There will be an email call for proosals. The new ARO website is HERE.
(Mar 26, 2024)
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