Steward/Astronomy Specific Guidelines for Responding/Adapting to COVID-19 Pandemic
Here are the Steward guidelines/information of the morning of June 18. They supercede and extend previous guidelines.
Steward Observatory and the Department of Astronomy are adopting policies that will minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 while allowing us to continue to support our educational, outreach, and research missions. Our policies are intended to be consistent with those of the University of Arizona and the College of Science. We refer you to their web pages at these links:
- This is the UArizona coronavirus page.
- This is the UArizona College of Science coronavirus page.
- This is the CDC Universities and Colleges page.
- Arizona Dept of Health Services Dashboard. You can see ho many cases from yesterday to today, how many in Pima County, etc.
NOTE: You can contact Buell Jannuzi or Dennis Zaritsky or Xiaohui Fan or Mark Buglewicz as appropriate.
Other useful links:
- UArizona Health Alert site is HERE.
- CDC guidelines are HERE.
- WHO guidelines are HERE.
- HERE is why you should wash with soap and water for 20 seconds.
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