About me

Mathieu Renzo I am an assistant professor in the Astronomy Department and Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. My interest in astronomy comes from the wide range of physical processes occurring astronomical context. I focus mostly on stellar astrophysics, and in particular massive stars, binary evolution, and stellar explosions. My research interest include stellar kinematics (runaway, "walkaway", and hyper-velocity stars), core-collapse and (pulsational) pair-instability supernovae, nuclear astrophysics, X-ray binaries, time-domain and gravitational-wave astronomy. I mainly use analytical and numerical simulations to understand massive star evolution, their explosions, and how they interact in binary systems. I use both detailed stellar structure and evolution models (e.g., with MESA, and rapid population synthesis (e.g., with binary c or COSMIC). I also simulate the light coming from explosions (e.g., with SNEC) and I am learning to run multidimensional hydrodynamic simulations (with ATHENA++).

